
1. Open AxeOS and navigate to Logs.

Log in to AxeOS through your browser (to do this, enter the IP address displayed on the Bitaxe’s screen into your browser’s address bar and press Enter).

In AxeOS, you can then click on the “Logs” tab to view an overview of the device data and the currently installed firmware version.

2. Checking the current firmware version

Under “Overview,” you can see various details about your Bitaxe. Among other things, you will find the currently installed firmware version of your Bitaxe (in this case, it’s version v2.3.0).

3. Navigate to settings.

By clicking on “Settings,” you can access the settings. Here, you can check if a newer firmware version is available and download and install it directly.

4. Check for the latest version.

The message Current Version: v2.3.0 indicates that this is the latest version. To confirm, you can click the “Check” button.

5. Download the latest firmware.

After clicking the “Check” button, it will confirm that version v2.3.0 is currently the latest. By clicking on the links “esp-miner.bin” and “www.bin”, you can download the latest versions of the Bitaxe firmware and the AxeOS web interface.

6 . Update Firmware

By clicking on ”+Browse”, the file selection window on your computer will open. Navigate to the location where you saved the “esp-miner.bin” file (usually your Downloads folder). Select the file and confirm. The installation of the new firmware will then proceed automatically. It’s best to wait at least 60 seconds before leaving the page or moving on to the next step.

7. Update AxeOS Webinterface

After the new firmware is installed and you’ve given your Bitaxe at least 60 seconds to complete the process, proceed with the new version of the AxeOS web interface. By clicking ”+Browse”, the file selection window on your computer will open. Navigate to the location where you saved the “www.bin” file (usually your Downloads folder). Select the file and confirm. The installation of the new AxeOS web interface will then proceed automatically. It’s best to wait at least 60 seconds before leaving the page.

Afterward, it is recommended to restart your Bitaxe and refresh the browser window.

Congratulations! Your Bitaxe is now updated to the latest firmware version!